Connie Kottmann has been drawing cartoons for decades. A few years ago, she began drawing whimsical cats, which she’s nicknamed Happy Cats. “I sometimes set the cats in a large scene, which gives me the opportunity to create many different personalities interacting with each other,” she says. “More recently I’ve been focusing on individuals and smaller groups of cats, without scenery. Sometimes they’re just being cats; other times they are cats with distinctly human qualities!”
Happy 1st Day of School
I was inspired by my daughter, who had started student teaching in an elementary classroom that year.

Beatnik Kitty
This cool cat just had to be drawn, sitting at a cafe table with a checked tablecloth, writing poetry and reading Jack Keroucat.

Love Cats
Who wouldn’t love a fresh fish for Valentine’s Day?

Happy Meowloween

Connie, I can’t help smiling at these whimsical cats! You do a wonderful job conveying personality through these creative cartoons. Best of luck as you bring these delightful designs to a wider public. They are sure to be a hit!