In 2006, I had the opportunity to explore India’s Himachal Pradesh. I spent a couple of months tramping around and absolutely fell in love with the terraced hills bordering the mighty Himalaya. Ever since that trip, I have been fascinated by the regions surrounding the vast range of snow-capped peaks and the montagnards who call those slopes home.

I recently made the journey to the Kingdom of Bhutan, a mountainous country known to be the happiest place in the world. The trip was high on my bucket list and I was thrilled to be able to finally see a bit of the country I had daydreamed about for so long.

With a limited amount of time to spend in Bhutan, fellow photographer Roger Gribbins and I opted to stay on local farms. That choice proved worthwhile and allowed us to experience Bhutanese culture from morning to night. For a week we soaked in as much as we could and did our best to create images for our visual travel diaries.